🤖Set up a custom bot

In this guide we show you how to edit any message you create.

Step 1: Create & Setup Your Own Bot

The first thing you need to do is head over to Discord and create a custom bot inside your Discord account.

Create Your Bot On Discord Here

Visit this link above and login via your Discord account. Once logged in, click on the “New Application” button at the top, and then enter a name for your application (this won’t affect what your bot displays as, so choose whatever you want), read and accept the terms, and click on the “Create” button.

Step 2: Click On The Bot Tab & Edit

Click on the “Bot” tab on the left hand side, and this is your custom bot. You can edit the name of your bot here. You can also upload a custom bot avatar.

Both of these can be edited later via your dotNotify account if you want. But, choose this now anyway, as this is how your bot will appear in your server.

Step 3: Enable Bot Permissions & Intents

On your bot page, scroll down to the section that is titled “Privileged Gateway Intents” and make sure all 3 are turned to “on”. Once you have toggled these on, please click “Save Changes”.

Step 4: Get Your Bot Token

You now need to scroll back up and retrieve your bot secret token to connect your bot to your dotNotify account. Click on the “Reset Token” button and then follow the instructions in Step 5 below.

2FA: If you have two-factor authentication setup for your Discord account, you maybe prompted to enter this here.

Just follow your 2FA setup as it asks on screen.

Step 5: Copy Token & Save

IMPORTANT: Your token is sensitive, so do not give this token to anyone else, or you risk them taking over your bot. If you suspect someone may know your token, you can always come back here and “Reset” it again, and update it within your dotNotify account.

You need to “Copy” your token when shown on screen, and then click “Save”. You will now use this token inside your dotNotify account to complete your custom bot setup.

Step 6: Enter Your Token On dotNotify

IMPORTANT: As mentioned in the previous step, if you need to reset your bot token for any reason, you can do. You just need to make sure you update your bot token here also to avoid your custom bot not working.

You need to now paste your bot token into the field provided on dotNotify, and click on “Submit Token”.

IMPORTANT: Once you do this step, you should be prompted to invite your new bot to your server/guild. See the next step.

Step 7: Invite Your Custom Bot To Your Server

IMPORTANT: Once your bot is added to your guild/server, it will show as “OFFLINE”. This is normal. It will come online when it is required to deliver a message.

Once your token has been submitted and validated successfully, you should now be prompted to invite your new bot to your server. Be sure to invite the bot to the same server/guild you have set your custom bot up inside of dotNotify, to avoid any issues.

Make sure to also accept all permissions when prompted.

IMPORTANT! Your custom bot once connected, will be used to deliver your server messages. Please make sure to keep our bot (dotNotify) installed on your server, as our bot helps to manage all of your server channel & role updates etc.

Your bot should now show as connected once all steps above have been completed successfully. You can now manage your bots appearance from dotNotify too.

Last updated